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Blogs are a gold mineSome of the best sentences you will ever get when building your vocabulary can definitely come from blogs. The language and vocabulary usage in blogs is always changing to reflect ...

Huzzah! My sentences have been recorded!This is normally the most exciting part of beginning a language with this method, because you actually had another person do something for you that is really of ...

Starting off on Your JourneySo, you've decided to learn a language, eh? First off, let me congratulate you. Why? Well, language learning is looked upon by many people as a complicated and difficult ta ...

So you know what language you want to learnYou've got your language picked out and you're ready to dive in, so let's move on to the first step in building a language foundation: Finding Media: Beginne ...

Having fun with those sentencesSo now you have about 30-50 sentences sitting in front of you and you've read through them, but don't quite have a feel for how they are supposed to sound. This is very ...

Gathering Vocabulary the right wayVocabulary is best tackled as efficiently as possible, as it takes the most work to ingrain. Luckily, there are ways to handle vocabulary learning in a smart way that ...