Huzzah! My sentences have been recorded!
This is normally the most exciting part of beginning a language with this method, because you actually had another person do something for you that is really of great value. I remember receiving my first recording in Japanese. I listened to that thing about 100 times. I shadowed it, repeated it to my family multiple times and still hear it in my head from time to time.
The great thing about this, was that grammar that I learned later on in studying was instantly understood because it was in one of these recorded sentences I had memorized and everything just clicked. So we will talk about grammar today.
Grammar should be taken with a grain of salt, because just like any other part of the language, some of the time it can't be directly translated into your native language. This is why memorizing these sentences comes in handy so much. It's like when you were a child. You'd repeat nonsense over and over until an answer to that nonsense presented itself.
It is great when this happens, but it's also not always the most effective method for acquiring grammar, especially. With grammar, we're going to want to focus on only a few very important grammar points in the language.
Acquiring basic grammar
Basic grammar books are very nice in the fact that they are physical and can be written in. If you are on a tight budget, there are a multitude of basic grammar websites all over the internet though. You can search Google for "<targetlanguage> basic grammar" and you should come up with a multitude of information on the web. Go ahead and choose a nice site.
Extracting the important stuff
Once you've come across your golden egg of basic grammar, you are going to want to relate it to the sentences you have already learned. You should notice a ton of the grammar being used over and over. This grammar is the most important! Don't worry too much about the other grammar yet. Learn these and learn how they affect the sentence.
Once you've completed this step, you should have a basic understanding of how important building a simple foundation for language learning is. The trick is to cement these steps into your daily routine with fun and exciting material. Use these steps to learn new vocabulary and grammar all the time.
I hope this has given you the confidence in knowing that language learning isn't that difficult and all it takes is a basic foundation in which to keep consistent. This concludes the Beginner section of this method and I will be posting steps toward using this simple language foundation for intermediate learning based on the same exact method here, soon enough. Until then you can head over to Simple Language Foundation and sign up for some more free tips on learning languages.
Remember to go to the forums and request what language you would like me to do a video on! I will be creating a video for each of these steps.
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