Learn Any Language Forum
Forum Thread: Which language are you learning?
What language are you learning or which have you decided to learn and why did you choose it? If there is one type of person I have always instantly gotten along with in this world, it was another language enthusiast. So, let's get to know each other and, most importantly, learn from each other!
Forum Thread: Post your favorite songs or other media in here!
You can use this thread to recommend interesting songs or other media to other language learners.
Forum Thread: Fun games to help in learning vocabulary
Sometimes learning vocabulary, even in context, can get tedious. Give some ideas of games you can play to make it fun. One game I play for learning German is a memory game that Germans play when they are young.
Forum Thread: What are your thoughts on this method?
I've been using this method for a long time now, and I've always been able to keep language learning fun, because I don't have to focus on how I'm learning.
Forum Thread: Requests for language in videos
I will be creating example videos for my tutorials, but I want to know which languages I should target in those videos.